NAOS CEO Insights



May 31, 2019

CEO INSIGHTS – Week Ending 31 May 2019 By NAOS Asset Management

"Like real estate, there's a lot more certainty now. People were holding off. Before the election, there was doubt in people's minds. Everyone from truck drivers to tradies could see there was a tax here, a tax there and this wasn't good for confidence.''

Nick Politis, Director and largest shareholder, AP Eagers



As part of the NAOS investment process, we pay particular attention to the comments made by company CEOs and business leaders in order to gain a greater understanding of the current investment environment and key trends that may be emerging. Below are quotes from the week which in our view detail some of the most important and prominent industry trends and economic factors impacting their businesses.  


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"Australia and New Zealand are among the most exciting, vibrant and forward-looking markets in the world."

Mark Read, CEO, WPP Group PLC [Global advertising conglomerate]



"5G is enormously important and it’s going to have a major impact on a whole range of different sectors. For example, one of the benefits of 5G will be much lower latency and that means it potentially has a role in things like driverless vehicles, or remote-controlled agricultural or mining vehicles. The way technology and communications technology has transformed vital Australian industries like agriculture and mining is very striking."

Paul Fletcher, Federal Communications Minister


"We are well positioned within the digital manufacturing industry and are helping to ignite the fourth industrial revolution [by combining hardware, software and biology].”

Dion Weisler, CEO, Hewlett-Packard Inc



"Like real estate, there's a lot more certainty now. People were holding off. Before the election, there was doubt in people's minds. Everyone from truck drivers to tradies could see there was a tax here, a tax there and this wasn't good for confidence.''

Nick Politis, Director and largest shareholder holder, AP Eagers



"First, the best industry information shows that China has lost between 150 million and 200 million hogs [from African swine fever]. This is equivalent to more than the entire pork production in the United States. In addition, China is the largest pork producer and consumer of pork in the world."

Jim Snee, CEO, Hormel Foods Corp [US Food conglomerate].


"It has been very pleasing to see an improvement in the market and strong competition for milk."

Paul van Heerwaarden, CEO, Bega Cheese


“Raspberry production was unfortunately impacted by unfavourable crop timing and its contribution was disappointing.”

Costa Group AGM


"The macro demand for almonds remains strong in both retail and industrial markets."

Select Harvest Ltd Market Announcement



“I think for some companies; their life cycles can benefit significantly from being private. The nature of the investors we have in our funds is that they are very long-term investors, managing pensions for the next 100 or 200 years. They look over a very long term. When you take a business private, and take it out of the spotlight of public markets, there’s a lot less focus on next quarter’s earnings and a lot more focus on where we are in three, five, seven, 10 years' time with this business"

Ben Gray, Founder, BGH Private Equity


“On average, things [credit defaults] will get worse over time, not because they’re going to get bad, but because it’s been so good for so long."

Jamie Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan


“I think the argument for a small rate cut is sound."

Shayne Elliot, CEO, ANZ Bank


"We have seen a noticeable increase in the volume of new business loan applications since the election."

Clive Van Horen, Executive General Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia


"There's been a debate in the last few years about if there's too much VC [venture capital] money and if we're at a point of saturation but that thinking misses the fundamental point. We started behind the pace we needed to be at many years ago and we're only just catching up to levels that will be sustainable for the medium to long term now. There's still a huge pipeline of investing opportunity in the local market"

Yasser El-Ansary, CEO, Australian Investment Council


Global Retail

"In Europe, the macro situation remains in flux. And in Asia, we have a looming trade war. So, where does that leave us. We have not been immune to the increased traffic trends seen post Easter. We believe that the U.S. consumer, which makes up the majority of our sales remains healthy."

Fran Horowitz, CEO, Abercrombie & Fitch


"The trade war between the U.S. and China is a real issue for our industry, fortunately we do not own our Chinese manufacturing plant and we are able to consider moving production closer to the market we serve, notably the United States and Europe."

Pasquale Natuzzi, CEO, Natuzzi [Furniture Company]


“I think, by and large, the consumer is in a fairly decent place.”

Steve Easterbrook, CEO, McDonald’s



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