Podcast & Book Reviews

July 8, 2024

Podcast Review | Turning $1m into $1b+: A Masterclass From The Indian Warren Buffett by My First Million Podcast

Turning $1m into $1b+: A Masterclass From The Indian Warren Buffett by My First Million Podcast

Whilst he may not be as well-known as some of the world's leading investors, in our opinion he certainly fits within that category. Mohnish Pabrai is the founder and portfolio manager of Pabrai Investments, a concentrated global value focused equity fund. Pabrai is an avid disciple of the Buffett & Munger investment approach, to the point where he has studied all of the investments including the mistakes they made in order to be able to use that as a lesson for avoiding the same mistakes himself. This has become a key principle of his personal investment checklist.

Pabrai started his professional life as an engineer before starting his own software company. He then turned his $1m nest egg into $13m before setting up an investment fund for others to join. Why he has attracted a strong following is his ability to share his wisdoms in a simplistic, easy to understand way. For example, his concept of ‘circling the wagons’ and thinking in the ‘rule of 72’.

During this podcast he identifies to be the #1 trait required to make a high-quality investor – people who have the personality of being content watching paint dry.  He also became close personal friends with the late Charlie Munger and recounts some of his fond memories of their time spent together.

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